Sunday, July 8, 2007

Communication Technologies

•From pigeons to emails, communication technologies have modernized the world we live in today.
•The medium of communication has completely changed with the rapid changes in technology.
•Individuals and corporations today are communicating with each other and the rest of the world in ways that would not have been possible years ago.
•New technologies are used by corporations communicate from social, economic, political and cultural perspectives with its various constituencies.
•Communication is known as the sharing of information, thoughts, and ideas, and in a similar pattern communication technology can be thought of as the use of knowledge, tools, and skills for the purpose of facilitating communication and making it easier, more economical, and more efficient.
•Word of mouth, writing letters, speaking to one another, etc are the basic traditional technologies used by people for communication over a period.
•Businesses today use a wide variety of technologies to communicate internally with its employees and externally with its constituencies. Few to be listed are :

Internet – Internet can be called as one of the best human invented technologies for economical and efficient communication worldwide. Internet has transformed the way society and businesses communicate. It eliminates the barrier of distance and time. Internet is the platform for rest of the communication technologies like email, instant messenger, blogs, etc. Corporate websites initiates a two way communication process in which the relevant constituencies can obtain direct information from the company sources for its queries.

Intranet - Organizations are making extensive use of private organization networks, using internet protocols, network connections to share information securely and communicate in a safe and secure mode. Increasingly, intranets are being used to deliver tools and applications. The use of this technology helps the organization to develop an effective internal communication. Safety from intruders is assured and the hacker cannot easily access the corporate information, as there are different layers of security.

Experience - Reliance Industries uses corporate intranet and the Knowledge Management System to communicate internally with its employees. Employees can chat, email, and get relevant company and industry information from the intranet. I had a chance of using the corporate intranet facility as I was an intern. Internal communication is enhanced with the use if this technology.

E-mail - This technology allows businesses and even the other common users to communicate fast and from any place. Emails can be sent and received from anywhere at almost no cost. However, the wrong persons can read emails, and security is a highly discussed issue in this case. It is widely being used by corporations to communicate personally with its constituency to cater to their needs. It is another substitute for traditional letter writing.

Cell phones and Telephones – Cell phones today are the easiest mode of communication, personally and professionally. It is an easier way to contact various business partners and maintain intimate one to one relations. Technologies like fax clubbed with telephone fast, easy to use and good if people are waiting for documents or statements that can not be provided orally. Cell phones today are available with additional camera and music options. Inbuilt GPRS technology also helps to connect to the internet.
For example, the use of Blackberry cell phones by executives has completely changed the communication arena. It is used as a mini computer that enables a user to view and send emails, checking the appointments, making and answering calls and the most important thing communicating with the organization for updating themselves about the latest news.

Experience – My cell phone keeps me attached to my parents who are far off in a different place. It helps me to be in constant touch with my friends through SMS (short messaging service). By connecting a data cable, I can even access the internet, check my mails, and reply to them.

Blogs - Blogs enable people to read ideas and statements and share the same information on a common forum. These statements can help people to understand the company's objectives, services, products, etc and add comments to these statements with the feedback. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic that can be displayed in an attractive manner. Organizations today are making use of blocks by writing articles, making journal entries about their ventures, their employees are also contributing by sharing views and this information can be used by a variety of its constituencies.
For example, Google’s official blog provides information related to its culture and products.

Voice over Internet Protocol – VoIP is software uses the internet to transmit voice and other forms of digital sounds over the internet. The various forms of VoIP are video conferencing, voice chat, movies, music albums and free international calls. This technology helps organization to communicate effectively by saving on traveling costs, managing time, and sharing of strategic information in short period of time.

Pod cast – It is a digital media file, or a series of such files, that is distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and personal computers. These are easily assessable by the internet users and can easily be viewed. The organizations are using pod cast to inform their constituents about their actions.

Instant Messenger – IM is a common communication tool with businesses and the common masses. It instantly helps you convey the message and get the necessary feedback in form of a reply. Promptness unlike in email is an advantage of IM.

Wikis – “Wiki is a piece of software that allows multiple authors to edit web page content. Ward Cunningham originally described a wiki as "the simplest online database that could possibly work.” Wikis are widely used by internet users to gain and share information.

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